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Case Study: Wireless Access Service for corporate use

Case Study: Wireless Access Service for corporate use
This case study runs through the Wi-Fi and access point installation due to office relocation because of business expanding and having an increasing number of employees. Our client worried about the network connection speed and concern about security since they moving to a larger place and having more employees connect to the network at the same time.

How ACM Helps:
We assist customer by providing professional cabling and access point installation. Firstly, we will do a detailed site survey to identify, evaluate the existing environment and measure the network coverage. Next, we will propose the installation of AP location with the help of Heat Map. We will start the installation once the Heat map is approved.

Installation Step:

1. Lay Cable
We will draft the required quantity and measurement of all required cables from each point to point, and perform head crimping, pulling and laying with trunking (if required). Cable testing will be done as well to ensure working.

2. Installing Access Point
Each single Access Point will be fixed and secured accordingly to the specific location point based on the proposed heat map. Proper labelling of device and cabling will also be ensured.

3. Configuration
Our engineer will configure on the Access Point device info & mapping, network IP address and distribution leasing, SSID security and others as required.

4. Customer run a test and verification
Lastly, we will perform a quick test and verification together with customer to ensure smooth and seamless connectivity across the location covered with using different Wi-Fi devices such as laptop & mobile device.

Level 1

Level 2
Heat maps shown the coverage of access points

Client was very satisfying with our services and ability to meet tight time constraints without delay opening of their new office.

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