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Getting know Spams, Difference of Email Spoofing & Phishing Scams

Email users - regardless business staffs or home individuals always have a common email challenge which is preventing from spams.

Spam emails usually seasonal, as anytime users may sometimes encounter spam volume spike. Thousands and millions of spams being generated from all over the world every day.

The typical approaches of spams include a well-constructed email that sets out convince customer on several occasions such as below examples:

  • Your mailbox quota is full
  • Your email account password has expired
  • Some of the emails are not delivered to you
  • There is a payment made to you
  • Request-for-quote or sales requirement

These include spam emails that contain a malicious URL redirection link that takes recipients to fake website, or harmful attachment that once open will download malware that connects computer to a botnet or installs a backdoor.

Email spoofing

Email spoofing is when the sender (spammer) forges or spoofs the email header’s FROM address, so the sent message appears to have been sent from a legitimate email address from your own organization to trick recipients to click into the email content.

Phishing Scam

A fraudulent email that often disguising as a trustworthy source or sender, in attempt to obtain sensitive information, data or personal credentials (such as login name, password, credit card information etc.). Do not click or response from the suspicious phishing email. Instead, check from the official website or contact the company using a phone number to clarify.

Our advice: User training and public awareness is important to have employees and individuals to understand these common patterns of attacks and to avoid falling to these scams.

Here are below examples you can avoid or reduce changes of spam or being targeted for spoofing / phishing emails:

- Avoid using your main email to register on public websites or newsletter
- Avoid frequent use of public or unsecured Wi-Fi when travelling or away from home
- Avoid open suspicious email or attachments
- Be aware of the email address when replying and make sure is a correct & known email

Should you have any doubt on the emails, or looking for a way to reduce and manage the spams, please reach out to us either by our hotline at 6295 5962 or email us at and we will help you.