Why Does Your Company Need a Disaster Recovery Plan?
Potential hazards to a company's data include hardware problems, human mistakes, natural calamities, and ransomware. Most firms will have some backup to
limit these risks. However, without a disaster recovery strategy in place, your company may still experience lengthy outages or data loss.
Disaster Recovery Plan
A disaster recovery plan is a defined strategy that outlines an organization's reaction to a crisis affecting its IT infrastructure. Each organization is unique in
terms of how it operates stores and uses data. The purpose of a disaster recovery plan is to minimize complexity while minimizing downtime and ensuring
company continuity.
A disaster recovery plan must include two objectives: a recovery point objective (RPO) and a recovery time objective (RTO). An RPO specifies how far back
data may be recovered and the maximum quantity of data that can be lost from the previous backup. An RTO specifies the amount of time it takes to restore firm
data and systems and resume normal operations.
As a result, a comprehensive backup solution is critical to a company's continuity since it will automatically backup data to guarantee RTO and RPO are satisfied.
Is A Disaster Recovery Plan Required?
Yes, since it can:
1. Reduce the Cost of Downtime
Downtime leads to revenue loss regardless of the size or sector of the firm. Downtime in some companies, such as healthcare, can also result in individuals being
unable to access critical services. Businesses will still have downtime with a good disaster recovery plan, but it will be substantially shorter, reducing the amount
of lost income.
2. Increase Customer Retention
Although a disaster can be terrible for organizations, it can also cause consumer annoyance when systems and services are unavailable. Customers may quit
utilizing a company's services if it is unavailable for an extended period. A disaster recovery strategy helps ensure that consumers continue to get service even if
a crisis happens.
3. Avoid Paying a Ransom
The number of firms that have been hit by ransomware attacks has increased dramatically. Previously, ransomware criminals targeted major firms because they
could demand more ransomware. However, we have lately seen that attackers are increasingly targeting smaller organizations due to inferior IT security. A thorough
disaster recovery strategy should include a secure backup solution so that if a company is attacked by ransomware, its backups are not encrypted.
4. Reduce Human Error
Disasters aren't usually caused by fires, floods, or ransomware. It can simply be the consequence of an employee unintentionally deleting a file; at best, this means
the person must recreate a document; at worst, it might entail rebuilding a dataset. Data recovery is quick and uncomplicated with a disaster recovery solution.
Do you want to put in place a disaster recovery plan?
Although businesses will do everything possible to avoid a disaster, some factors are beyond our control. If your company does not already have a disaster recovery
plan in place, now is the time to put one in place. Businesses should always test their DRP to verify that operations continue as intended.
A tiny bit of preparedness now can save your company substantial downtime and money due to data loss. ACM can help you in providing disaster recovery services
to avoid unexpected occurrences that can harm your business. Disaster recovery services help certain firms make the move to remote work go more smoothly
by protecting data and avoiding downtime and information loss. Contact us now either by our hotline 6295 5962
or email us at info@achievement.com.sg to learn
more about creating a complete disaster recovery strategy.