What to do if your laptop is stolen and how to stay safe
Since most companies now enable their employees to "work from anywhere" and follow hybrid working practices, the likelihood of having
a laptop stolen has substantially increased. Employees increasingly often take public transportation to and from work while carrying
laptops, which creates several potential for theft. So, what can you do to safeguard yourself in the event that your laptop is taken or lost?
Your computer security may suffer significantly as a result of lost or stolen laptops. 86% of IT workers claim that a laptop has been lost
or stolen from within their company, and 56% of them say that this has led to a data breach.
The key to a lot of your company's data is on your laptop. You could have a data breach if they are taken and used maliciously; it's
conceivable that cybercriminals would sell your private information on the dark web. This might have a negative financial impact on you,
harm your relationships with your clientele, and result in fines from the government for breaking compliance rules. In the event that your
laptop is misplaced, what can you do to safeguard yourself?
What to do right away if your laptop is stolen
Here are some quick measures you should take to protect your data if your laptop has been stolen:
1. Start with your email account and change the passwords on all of your accounts. Make sure to change the passwords for your social
media, instant messaging, and financial accounts.
2. If the laptop is being used for work, report it to the authorities and let your employer know.
3. Keep an eye on your financial accounts and issue a fraud warning.
7 strategies to safeguard your data beforehand
Prevention is always preferable to treatment. There are several ways to safeguard your data if you often use a laptop and want to prepare
for theft or loss. They could even assist you in recovering your laptop!
1. Securely store data
It is not sufficient to password-protect your laptop since it is quite simple to acquire access by breaking the Windows User screen. Instead,
we advise encrypting your data to limit access to authorized individuals. This will turn it into cipher text, rendering it completely meaningless
and preventing hackers from using it inadvertently. If your device is recovered or located, the data may be promptly decrypted so you have
immediate access.
2. Cables for safety
The majority of laptops contain a slot where a security cable may be inserted and locked to safeguard your laptop. This is an affordable yet
effective initial line of defense. This is not to imply that a determined burglar won't cut the connection or ruin the desk to which the laptop is
attached. Imagine it as being similar to locking a screen door; if they truly want to, they can get around it. That However, a security wire is
still beneficial as an additional measure of safety because it can deter a burglar from taking your laptop.
3. Label the computer
A toll-free contact number label should be applied to your gadget. This will enable you to be contacted if your device is found and returned.
A prompt return of your laptop will be ensured by giving them a simple way to contact you. Such services like Boomerang It and Apple Air
Tags are just a couple that can assist you in making this happen.
4. Make use of tracking tools
On your laptop, you may install sophisticated software that will enable you to track down, secure, and retrieve your stolen equipment.
Additionally, it is incredibly hard for criminals to find the program. The cost of the software might be a one-time expense per device or a
recurring charge, depending on the solution. In any case, the cost of getting a new laptop and installing all essential software will surely
be far lower without considering the added cost of lost data.
5. Keep track of the serial number and model of your gadgets.
If your gadgets are recovered, it will be simpler to identify them thanks to this, which will aid when making a police report.
6. Back up
Don't only store data to your laptop since if it disappears, you'll lose crucial information and be unable to carry on with your task. Furthermore,
data loss typically costs more in the long term than hardware theft. Instead, you must always have a plan for a backup. You may learn more
about data storage on the cloud here. We advise it. This will make it available from any location and on any device as long as you have an
internet connection. We also advise putting in place a reliable backup and disaster recovery solution. This will allow you to continue working
productively even if your smartphone is stolen or lost by utilizing a different one.
7. Common courtesy
It should go without saying that you should handle your laptop with care and keep it close at hand at all times. Every time you leave a meeting
space, a train, a bus, or a coffee shop, make sure you have it with you. Also, make sure you don't leave it on a vehicle seat where it will be
seen. Watch out for your laptop bag in airports. If your business provides laptops for staff, educate and train them on appropriate practices as
well as take the following steps so that, in the event that your device is stolen, your business may retrieve it and avoid data loss.
Want more information about data protection?
ACM relieves your company of part of the duty and risk by securely storing your client data and financial information within our system. ACM
provide various affordable solution and security measures to fit your company’s needs. Contact us via either our hotline at
6295 5962 or email
us at info@achievement.com.sg today!