The first step for the IT Manager is to perform a complete system and network analysis followed by a thorough review. After this process ACM will study your business practices in order to comprehend on how you intend to incorporate IT into your business processes and what your key objectives and future needs are. Finally after common ground is established your IT Manager will be overlook the IT infrastructure to ensure everything operates as they should.
Your ACM IT Manager will provide guidance to your staff and implement any changes that need to be made and will help you improve your IT performance. The IT Manager will ensure your users know how to interact with your IT by providing orientation and usage policies which will explain how to access all of your systems. In this orientation training session your users will be taught on how to operate the systems, where required, they will be capable to deal with any simple day to day issues and/or more technical problems so that they can troubleshoot themselves or understand the systems or processes in place.
The ACM IT Manager's primary objective is to fully utilize your existing IT infrastructure without the need for further investment, however should investment be needed or additional changes are required or expected, a Technology Roadmap will be created. A Technology Roadmap is a blue print of your network infrastructure; with this our clients can visualize the network topology so growing their IT is easier and we can continue to service your business in the most appropriate way and within your budget. The Technology Roadmap takes into account both short-term and long term goals and requirements. In addition, the IT manager will work with you to identify risks and formulate any required policies which you need, such as backup and disaster recovery planning.
After the implementation phase, your IT Manager is available to you on an on-going basis to help you amend your IT strategy as your business changes. Your IT Manager is responsible for maintaining your processes and policies, to advice on new technologies and to give you strategic IT Management throughout our engagement.
Keeping on top of your IT performance and its cost-effectiveness for your business is crucial. Your IT Manager will regularly review with you to report on your IT position and Technology Roadmap. We will also review the performance of the infrastructure and highlight any hardware or user areas of improvement and will indicate to you the performance of the ACM support being provided.
Named IT Manager contact
Regular IT and service review
System and network audit
Risk assessment
Technology Roadmap
Product Lifecycle management
Asset management and registration
Warranty management
Software license management
Backup and recovery policy
Data protection and security policy
IT systems documentation ('handbook')
ACM QuickFix File Support
Technical IT advice
Procurement advice
Regular Review Meetings
Vendor Assessment
Orientation for IT Contact
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