Security Management and Virus Control:
Ensure virus signatures for the virus detectors are up to date, that general security management takes place.
Vulnerability Assessment:
Vulnerability Assessment and Fixing: denial of service attack, spoofing attack etc. The assessment service determines what security vulnerabilities exist on the network and various systems and how to fix them.
Network Monitoring:
The Company monitors IT components and transactions for specific events, threshold violations and errors/faults, based on pre-defined metrics. The monitoring service automatically notifies the customer or designated service provider when events such as network outage, in-office server non-availability and link failure are detected.
WAN Link Failure and Last Mile Coordination: For Internet connectivity and WAN connectivity issues.
User Administration Requests:
User authorization administration requests. Requests must come from authorized personnel.
IT Operations:
The Company manages maintenance schedules and administrative tasks such as resource assignments and notification options.
User Support:
Provide Helpdesk services for IT Infrastructure support covering:
Major Virus Outbreak:
Assist with desktop clean-up after a major virus outbreak.
Patch Management:
Central Point for installation of software and patches.
Information Requests:
Information requests and sharing.
Application Availability and Response Time:
Availability guarantee of Customer-standard applications including end-to-end response time for applications.
Advantages of desktop support:
Pro-active, preventative mode.
80% of problems and issues that arise can and will be resolved remotely.
Red flags are discovered and fixed through real-time monitoring by our Network Operations Center before failure happens.
We will make sure you will never run out of disk space, have outdated licenses or that you are working with older systems.
Our main focus: to keep your system up and running at all times!
* This include installing software provided by customer with standard configurations.
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